sunnuntai 25. marraskuuta 2012

Deadline is the Ultimate Motivator

Always a good thing to start designing your outfit from jewellery... well new point of view. Haven't done anything for myself in a while so new corset pattern is in progress. Found the perfect materials for my future Boheme Noir- outfit. Now all I need is avec to go with me....

Jewelry inpiration. Thanks to Sopor Aeternus I shall make epic nose chains.
My corset inspiration this time is 50's Lingerie.
Less than two weeks to go. While doing all my school work I must squeeze doing my own stuff somewhere. All nighters here I come!

sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012

New location Berlin

I've studied Clothing technology back in Finland for couple of years now and felt like I needed a change in my life. Berlin was definately an option. I applied for university here and they accepted me for their Fashion design programm.
After living here for over a month I can say this was excellent choice. Uni is great thou everything's in german I'm eager to learn this some point..krhm.

Next to my herb garden.
 One of the biggest plus sides of going through all this change is that I finally got a flat all for myself. This is my first time living completely alone with no roommates or such. And I love it!
My flat is in a dorm and its not that big but who cares as long as I don't have to share my bathroom and kitchen with anybody else. And the rent is ridiculously cheap too.

Besides great university, opportunity to learn a new language I also had alternative motive to choose Berlin. Scene. All the gigs and parties going on here... Soothes my mind oh yes. At least I have stuff to do on weekends.

And talking about weekends soon there'll be one of the longest weekends that I've been looking forward to: Halloween weekend and Drop Dead Festival.
Excellent band line-up for this year and as I missed the whole festival last year I made sure I'd be well prepared this time. There's no way I'm gonna miss it because it's happening here in Berlin! And on the same side of Berlin as where I live in! Very nice. Less than two weeks to go.
And I'm gonna have some friends over for the festival. Were squeeze in to my tiny flat somehow...
Make up for Club Blüthenrausch.

sunnuntai 5. elokuuta 2012

CLEAR! Blog revival attempt nro.1 Go jibberish.

As you might have realised I'm not that much of a writer. Is it because I have a life or that I'm so lazy? Give that a thought.

Anyway. Sum up. Nothing special. School, work, holiday then I'm off to Germany. Not more than a month and I shall fulfill one of my goals in life. Invade Berlin by moving in 8D

Went to WGT and Gothic Pogo Party and it was GREAT! If someone didn't know already. Anxiously waiting for Drop Dead Festival. It's going to be my first one :3

I'm not done with this hokum not quite yet...

Got my tongue pierced.